First off- thank you D for sharing this space with me, it'll be fun!
There is an excellent article in The Atlantic this month that connects the housing slump with the future of cities, energy, and suburbs. Take a look here. I think that this scenario is not necessarily inevitable, but we do know (can't recall where I read the story on this research right now) that when inner city poor are moved willy nilly into the suburbs, without adequate help, the crime and social problems seem to follow.
posted by Alex
Institutional Sexism
State-sponsored rape, lies and deception – then a cover-up operating right
across official life. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 28th
3 months ago
1 comment:
Great article, its quite extraordinary how much has been caught up in the fiasco. Check out an earlier post on biofuels.
It is too bad that the Robert Moses of the world won out over he Lewis Mumfords.
The end of suburbia is coming... and i cannot say I am disappointed or surprised.
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