Published on Wednesday, August 20, 2008 by The Guardian/UK
We need to change the way we eat if we are to tackle the looming catastrophe of water scarcity
by Tom MacMillan
If you want proof the world has a water problem you're better treading the damp summer pavements of the City than the parched bed of the Aral Sea.
Goldman Sachs says water is the next oil and has bullish investment trends to prove it. For the rest of us a water boom spells trouble: investors can smell scarcity a mile off and, however much money they pump into managing it, the last result they'll want is abundance.
It will be our plates, not our rates, that bear the brunt of water shortage. As today's report from WWF spells out, the amount we spew out of taps is piddling compared with what it takes to make stuff and, especially, to grow our food.
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